Performances and Costumes

Why walk when you can fly?

Why walk when you can fly?


Fall Showcase

There will be two tentative performances in the 2020/2021 season.

Our “Fall Showcase” will be held during the last week of our fall term.

We are hoping to reuse last years Spring Showcase costumes for this performance. Because our schedule has changed we will be holding a costume exchange! (More information to come!)

If we are unable to gather for a performance we will provide a top secret, super exciting way for your dancers to showcase their work while keeping safe. What is it? You will have to register to find out!

Spring Showcase

The date for spring showcase is not scheduled as we wait to see what the future holds. BUT if your dancer is interested in performing in the spring here are some things you will need to know.

  • All classes have a costume unless noted on the schedule. 

  • Spring Recital costumes will be paid by automatic bank account debit or automatic credit card payment on November 15 and are not refundable after November 20. Costumes are ordered over Thanksgiving break. If we are still unsure if we will be able to have a fully produced production we will not order costumes.

  •  Costumes will not be ordered unless payment is received in full.

  •  Students are measured for costumes in classes and they will be delivered in Jan.-April. If a costume does not fit, we are able to exchange within one week of receiving it at no cost to you, if it is returned in its original packaging. After that week, there may be additional shipping/handling fees and/or limited availability.

  • For students to perform at our Spring Showcase they must complete the final 2 terms of our school year season.

  • Regular attendance is vital to student progress and group choreography. Please make every effort to attend each class. Students may make up missed classes by using our pre recorded content website.

  • If you miss more than two of the final eight classes before recital you may be dismissed from participating in the recital routine at the discretion of the teacher. 

  • Spring Recital dates and mandatory dress rehearsal dates are published in the October newsletter. Specific show assignments are published in the February newsletter. Specific rehearsal assignments are published in the March newsletter. 

  • We attempt to accommodate every school's activities while meeting the technical demands of the show. Our priority is to prepare your children for the performance experience of a lifetime!